RNZ document that I (that me on the left) held the line – Shame they chose to omit the images of me photographing those chucking stuff at the cops or walking away before the fire began. Context is everything.

The Deadline Report – Ben Vidgen Investigates

Investigative journalist author Ben Vidgen presents a 30-minute show offering quality alternative media backed by quality documented information on the issues not hitting the headlines, but that should be. A double shot of reality, always educational if never pretty. 

The DEADLINE REPORT airs Sunday afternoons @1:00PM & replay’s Friday@ 7.00pm

The Deadline Report – Jul 02 2023 ep22 – Titanic Mainstream Media Narrative and NZ Space Prog( 0:12:46)   Episode Information: Vidgen examine not the cause of the Titanic sub accident but rather we examine the technology that its passengers where involved in developing and look at that technology direct links to New Zealand.

The Deadline Report – Jun 25 2023 ep21 – Hist of NZ Geowarfare pt3( 0:19:14)   

Episode Information Vidgen examine, based on National Archives and current affairs public reports the role New Zealand has had in developing and researching geo-engineering and disruptive 4th Revolution technology and its societal implications.

The Deadline Report – Jun 04 2023 – History of NZ Geowarfare pt2( 0:32:52) 

Episode Information: Vidgen examine, based on National Archives and current affairs public reports the role New Zealand has had in developing and researching geo-engineering and disruptive 4th Revolution technology and its societal implications.

The Deadline Report – May 28 2023 – History of NZ Geowarfare( 0:30:2) 

Episode Information: Vidgen examine, based on National Archives and current affairs public reports the role New Zealand has had in developing and researching geo-engineering and disruptive 4th Revolution technology and its societal implications.

The Deadline Report – May 21 2023 ep18 – Global Tension to Peak in June( 0:29:11)Episode Information Geo political issue combine to create a perfect storm in Europe this June. This report was produced before the unfolding event taking place in France currently.

The Deadline Report – May 14 2023 – Guns Gold and Banksters pt2( 0:35:57)   Episode Information – The NZ link to Africa’s money laundering.

The Deadline Report – May 07 2023 – Guns Gold and Banksters pt1( 0:30:41) Episode Information The NZ link to Africa’s money laundering.

The Deadline Report – Apr 09 2023 – Media and Politics( 0:29:55) Episode Information – Election 2023 coverage.

The Deadline Report – Apr 02 2023 – America Derailed( 0:31:3) Episode Information – A Depleted Uranium Cover Up.

The Deadline Report – Mar 26 2023 – Freedom pt2( 0:30:38) Episode Information – The Rise of Libertarianism and the hijacking of grass roots issue by Rodger Douglas inspired second flank. Left wing right wing they are just prongs on the BBQ fork and folks you’re the sausage.

VETERAN RESEARCHER FOR HIRE: Just a reminder your subs include research fees for an hour free. So if you have any topic or subject you want me to look into just ask and I’ll do a quick dive for yah.

If you need more work after that just let me know and will discuss terms then. All my subs get 20% off my usual research fees which are normally $40.00 an hour depending on the project.  This year clients who have hired me include those interested in class action on slashing, those wanting more background on local issues and UK Hedge Funds interested in tracking dark money. All have benefitted from my 35 years’ experience in research and investigative work. So don’t forget I offer that asset too. Email


A Letter to Nicky Hager – aka my elf mate in the high castle.

From Nicky Hager in Reply: Hi Ben, as I said in a press release, “I want to reassure that this is not a slowing-down, end of career award. I have many important projects to come.” Time will be the test. — Nicky Hager.

From Ben Vidgen To Nicky Hager: First of all Congratulations Nicky on the OBE. Hell if the view from the castle floor gets any higher you might have to buy binoculars.

Updates: No nothing in Paradise file visa Niue but some stuff in Panama files. Monsecca had the exclusive to Niue Port Cullis and Asiact (sic) had the contract for Cook Islands (and Samoa I think). Not sure who served Vanuatu but I am guessing that probably a good question to ask. In term of the Island links to the same Libertarian Free Market privateer that Alp & the Hutt River Principality spring from that date back to the Santos Rebellion and the Phoenix Foundation coup of 1980. This is key however in that it appears that Winston Peter’s leaks in the Wine Box Inquiry was being motivated by rivals of the Cook Island bankers Richwhite with Couttie and John Warburton (Pre Wine Box Gang of Twenty Fraudster) also investigated allegedly for holding copies of the file Peters tabled in Parliament (They make about 25 box in the National Archives collection). 

Have included a lovely photo of me from RNZ being tear gassed in Wellington. Bit odd that my picture was the very one they used to promote the doco which I then don’t appear in. And frankly ‘Boiling Point’ Nicky I feel is like the Reality Check Radio sponsored documentary made by the very nice and well-meaning and talented duo Samantha Blanchard & Jodie Bruning Silenced and Fire & Fury. Different doco of the same event that both rely in both cases on only interviewing pet sources who then reinforce the desired echo chamber of the creator. In Sam and Jodies case the oversight can be forgiven due to their experience. Not sure however what the big boys exscuse is.

Both sides refuse to see the event from the other sides perspective and thus I’m afraid fall short in actually helping us get a fair and balanced perspective that counters polarisation. I really do believe Nicky you should have engaged these people directly like I did 50% of them where not right wing (30% where centrist) but your readers. Being snubbed by the orthodox left sure helped the orthodox right gain hearts and minds for sure. 

I’m not sure if the RNZ photo was an attempt at a hit job, which these days I get once a month from both sides of the reactionary polarized fight club pit. The attacks are increasingly vitriolic and sinister in their tones as the bully’s from both sides are let out to play (Note just after this email I was burgled the only thing stolen a hard drive).

Regardless I am quite glad it existed. You know folk inside RNZ. Perhaps you can review the footage. I was only on the line for about 20 minutes so I could see that perspective directly. Yet if you go back by about five minutes (perhaps longer but it occurred in this vicinity) and to the right of the frame you’ll see me having a dialogue with the cop with the orange bit on his vest. I am to the right of this image, at the time, up on the ledge of the library where there is a paddling pool and the police had their highly dubious sonic cannon whose legality is questionable. I have just told him off as he has gone from just holding his side of the line to hurling apparent profanities and acting like a thug.

Or so it seems. He signals to me over my shoulder to what has pissed him off and it is here the hurling of objects begins. So if you go back to this footage you should be able to get a clear shot of the guys in blue who turned up. I also have found the screen shot of the Shelly Bay protester warning of “riot” the night beforehand and calling people to parliament BEFORE the police ever arrived in mass the next morning.      

I end up leaving parliament around 2pm (as cameras will show ) when the second line of cops begin forming on the stairs above and the protesters (egged on by the mysterious masked protesters in blue), have lost their discipline. I can see where this going to end up and how the good will built up about to be blown away. Possibly not the best thing to do from a journo perspective. But from a human point of view I had no interest in ambulance chasing and concluded it was time to go.  

Alp display his love for ‘fake it til you make it’ fancy dress (usually some kind of uniform designed to project Alp as someone of importance or in the know) to make up for lack of an actual personality .

2. Kelvyn Alp Counter Spin going home to the North Island apparently. Which I’m glad to say is probably in part to me making sure he got little traction down these parts. Though no doubt he still got a few hearts and minds and few shady old boy’s and funny handshakes donations. His clique continues to promote the separatist idea of New Zealandia (a concept pushed as mining companies’ eye up the newly declared continent Zealandia mineral riches, it economic exclusion zone and the Nat’s talk of Special Economic Zones) focusing on the deep south where Im now based.

How come all the Freedom anti ‘illuminati’ pop up heroes love their funny handshake symbols.

And yes Kelvyn gone but another interesting character has replaced him as the cheerleader and possibly chef cheque book writer for the “Freedom The movement” . British TV entertainer Noel Edmonds buys rural properties near Nelson | Edmond Deal or No No deal was seen as part of the soft marketing campaign to push the Brexit No Deal.

Edmonds was also tied up with the UK ‘The Bad Boys of Brexit/ Cambridge Analytics, crew Winton Peters hired for his own 2020 campaign (which I believe was just 2023 recon) but they later had some kind of falling out that ended up in court.  The official story is he has nothing to do with Sean Plunket Reality Check Radio. Except if you pull up and get a coffee at the little cafe on Edmonds property between Murchison and Motueka, Jason Plunket (Sean’s brother) will be your barista. It’s a little like a Bond Villian pad. While I was sitting chatting to Jason about four 200,000 vehicles shot out of the inner compound within about five minutes the place reeked of serious money and old-boys ties.

On Sean Plunket and Libertarianism:  Libertarianism, which is what Alp based his 2009 Our NZ Party on (which as I noted I was involved with for a short time before I realized Alp was not what he claimed and began warning folks starting 2011 to stay clear of him), is now the third biggest party in the USA. 

One of its primary and regular patrons are the “Koch brothers” the sons of Fred C. Koch, a founding member of the John Birch Society (who once gave a speech in 1963 warning of “a takeover” of America in which Communists would “infiltrate the highest offices of government in the U.S. until the president is a Communist, unknown to the rest of us”). Conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch and their wealthy allies spent close to $900 million benefiting their preferred candidates in the upcoming elections more than either major U.S. political party. 

Kochs’ war chest was donated by seven Southern businessmen are among the $100,000-plus mega-donors. This on top of the Koch own network of numerous social welfare nonprofits, think tanks, and limited liability corporations who are not required to disclose their donors. In 2014 The Kochs launched the Freedom Partners Action Fund (FPAF) as an extension of their “Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce”, a nonprofit trade organization, that raises money and disperses it throughout the network to produce a rent-a-crowd.

FPAF was set up as a super PAC, an expressly political operation that under law is not allowed to coordinate with candidates and is required to disclose its donors.  In this fashion it replicates thing like Labour affiliated Action Station (which helped win votes on the flakse basis Labour would walk away from the TPPA)and the Act National aligned Voices of Freedom or Reality Check Platforms which offer similar hallow promises.

Donors include Wayne Laufer the co-founder and retired CEO of Houston-based Bois d’Arc Energy, an oil and natural gas production company. Laufer donated $500,000 to the Koch FPAF in 2014 and gave $600,000 the previous year.  Laufer boat was among the flotilla of Billionaire superyacht tied up in the Viaducts exclusive mariner in 2020 alongside 3 boats belonging to Libertarian Rupert Murdoch (including the Epstein linked Dancing Hare which later emerged as now owned by Murdoch), Michael Hills – a known supporter of Voices of Freedom and US Libertarians Larry Page of Google and Jeff Bezos Amazon. 

I never did manage to get folk to look at these boats seriously. As in part because the Counter Spin/Tamaki rent-a-mob, in this case driven by a convicted meth dealer, sprang up (just as I began to get nibble from the mainstream), to spout bat shit crazy nonsense about the Dancing Hare. This of course moved the attention off the billionaires and their rapidly expanding tech and mining related business interest in New Zealand.      

  • More than two dozen U.S. lawmakers received roughly $110,000 in campaign contributions from Koch Industries in the weeks leading up to Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine — U.S. lawmakers are being scrutinized for accepting campaigns contributions from the Freedoom conglomerate, which is run by billionaire Charles Koch, even as other major U.S. and European companies flee the country to avoid sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine. The company’s glass manufacturer Guardian Industries, which has two facilities in Russia, will remain fully active despite the Kremlin’s war with Ukraine, Koch Industries President and Chief Operating Officer Dave Robertson said in a statement. They are joined by subway Halliburton Rebok, Proctor Gamble, Pizza Hutt, Hilton, Marriot and Hyatt. These are examples of how the corporates behind organizations like the World Economic Forum are playing the super powers off each other as they continue to make a dollar of both sides. Billionaires George Soros and Charles Koch joint funded Foundation, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, claim they seek to end endless war when in reality they engage in destabilization of states that encourage conflict and social polarization.

Libertarianism as political influence arrived in NZ mid 1995 after 25 years of being a significant contributing factor in the political violence experienced in the South Pacific in Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji and PNG from 1978-1995 in combination with the CIA affiliates the World Anti Communist league, Association of Former Intelligence Offices and other members of the CIN network (ex army ex spook types) which western intelligence uses to provide plausible deniability  

In NZ it’s goals would be chiefly promoted via Radio Liberty, which drew it name from the CIA backed anti-communist radio station setup in Europe at the end of WW2. Radio Liberty was hosted by Lindsay Perigo the Libertarian one-time president. The station and NZ Liberty Party who shared their logo with the flag used by the Phoenix Foundation) on American Freedom Radio Which in hindsight I realized was forerunner for Vinny East Wood which I sometime co-hosted which was broadcast on Freedom Radio USA. Vinny Platform being the model then copied by Counter Spin (the name of an original Vinny Eastwood Show based in-turn on an expression coined by Perigo) and then by Rodney Hyde, Peter William and Plunkett on their well-funded “freedom” Reality Check Radio.  I will wait until I get a reply Nicky but I hope you don’t mind me posting this in my next Shipping News.

And again congrates. Though I will also add the honest caveats of yeah I am a little jealous. But kind of not. Your OBE now Nicky and like it or not that now makes you on Her Majesty’s Service and part of the old boy’s network. You have just been given the keys to a higher part of the Citadel but beware Nicky golden handshakes have a tendency of becoming golden handcuffs. Don’t get me wrong it is an award you richly deserve for your work on Five Eyes & the SAS in US wars.

I just however hope you don’t forget the valuable work you also have done regarding the Seeds of Distrust ; on not just unleashing GMOs on unsuspecting populace until all the science is in. I will admit the lack of comment from you on this front, in regards not to the wisdom of vaccination but a vaccine roll out shaped by profit and absence of transparency, seems a tad disconcerting. Especially in light that the government who awarded your OBE have changed the nature of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Schedules 1AA and 2A) Order 2020.Thus now offshore companies need not worry about New Zealand regulatory practices which was a key warning of Seeds of Distrust after all.

A lesson you taught me which for me remains the core point of the legitimate vaccine protest. If we can just for a second extrapolate that key factor from the Neo Conservative Libertarian (who sought to hijack mandate protest for their own agenda). “Hager claims that after big business lobbying in secret meetings she backed down and whisked through Cabinet an interim measure to allow GE contamination up to 0.5 per cent, so this particular shipment could be deemed GE-free. This was at odds with the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act and therefore illegal” (it has since been overturned as of 2022 with little media comment or public debate)*1.

  • CRISPR and Luxon just announced that a National government will end New Zealand’s ban on gene editing (GE) and genetic modification (GM) to unlock enormous benefits for climate change, agriculture and health science. National’s Harnessing Biotech Plan will:
  • 1. End the effective ban on gene editing (GE) and genetic modification (GM) in New Zealand.
  • 3. Streamline approvals for trials and use of non-GE/GM biotech in line with other OECD countries
  • 2. Create a dedicated regulator to ensure “safe and ethical” use of biotechnology.

Ditto I am sure many folk would love to hear more on the issues of the continued excessive influence Neo Liberalism has had on both Green and Labour policies. Who likewise continue to ignore the elephant in the room namely their own excessive corporate patronage. A situation which means there corporate friendly Davos orientated climate change response is doomed (as it lets the Billionaires fly in Lear jets and taxes those who don’t make the mess).

Such policies again make the same mistake the media and mainstream made at parliament made when they refused dialogue to the legitimate frustrations of the majority at parliament. A move which handed the far right convert in the droves and this remains the same of situation in Europe with NATO response to the Ukraine Issue. Inadvertently genuine liberalism desire for social justice, while retaining consumerist taste, means liberalism is now being flanked on two fronts by the right whose new order is increasingly taking over the institutes like the WEF and UN as the older order fumbles and drops the ball. In a nutshell both the orthodox right and the orthodox left want to talk about boogie monsters under the bed but no one wants to talk the actual money permitting this to happen.

In your defence I don’t think many people really get how hard independent journalist like yourself battle to get any story heard full stop. You do an amazing job to get what you get published into the mainstream to begin with.

Front one: the growing wave of centrist middle class voters who out of a sense of bullying, or economic pressure, are converting to the right.

Front two: the nonstop privatisation of public assets by a corporate culture that hides its true motives behind an avalanche of image laundering. It literally uses identity politics as a human shield to hide it own agenda or distract people from its parasitic exploitative nature.

Image launder that receives very little scrutiny from a primarily offshore owned corporate media (or under-funded public media) and local media who rely on corporate marketing advertising to survive. Case in point in 2021 my magazine did a piece of All Black sponsor Altrad and America’s Cup links to organized crime and the nuclear weapons club. I see this year Al-Trad CEO being charged for Bribery and the news has barely been reported here at all. ‘Necessary Illusions: Thought Control Democratic Societies’ is a 1989 book by Noam Chomsky wrote concerning political power and its use of propaganda to distort and distract from major issues to maintain confusion and complicity. Chomsky speaks of how it seeks to give illusion of democracy by allowing limited debate and exposure on select subject. And those who wander off that path? “Even in the most radical groups you will find That when you stray from the doctrine, you’ll see hard times” (Amos & Andy Disposable Heroes of Hiphopcrisy).

May your OBE always be a golden handshake to the folk who are not powerful and need a hand up and never become a set of handcuffs that prevent you from speaking for those who can’t access justice.

Yours Ben Vidgen  B.A. (Bugger All 😉 


The CNN effect is a theory in political science and media studies which states that global television networks play a significant role in determining the actions policymakers take and the outcomes of events.

Something seriously wrong with our media and that includes RNZ. Once a guide stone to the core principals of fair and balanced coverage and the duty to report without fear or favour.

It began with the press meekly accepting the government dictates on how the Christchurch shooting would be covered and agreeing censorship was needed . A quick comparison of the reporting between this event and the 1987 Rainbow warrior make it clear that the shooting has received little critical press or delivered pertinent question at the government.

Especially in relation to another elephant in the room. Namely the exact where abouts of the Shooter between 2010 and 2016 and what his exact ties where to the Ukraine Neo Nazi. That is the far right militia our government is hypocritically supporting in the Ukraine conflict. A conflict where the mindset of the partisan press has being akin to the George Bush’s dictate during the gulf war “your either with us or against us”.

Somewhere the role of the media to be radical centrists is being lost in the increasing polarization of our society. A factor driven by both media, corporate interest lobby groups and the government and its growing army of PR specialist and spin doctors.

I give one of Arron Hawkins followers a listen in Rodgernomics and that just because you say something it doesn’t make it so

As in my own experience I found myself taking public hit from mainstream reporters embedded with police and party apparatchiks who sought to insinuate my own politics was right wing racism.

Such personal attacks are a repeat of the hitjobs now being delivered on antiwar voices including the UK Unionist George Galloway and Roger Waters (co-creator of the anti-fascist and antiwar Pink Floyd The Wall). Both of whom incidentally gave superb response to the smear tactics. The pair pointing out that the critics had obviously not done their homework on either Galloway and Water credentials on speaking out against racism and apartheid in both Israel and South Africa ( where Galloway worked with the Jewish African National Congress).

The attempts at cancel culture in my case in fact began in 2007 driven by the University of Otago magazine Critic and including hit pieces by the now former mayor of Dunedin Arron Hawkins. Hawkins began with what would begin a predictable pattern of calling me a conspiracy theorist — without actually addressing what the particular conspiracy theory I was guilty of exactly. The exception to this being when on national TV Otago Law Professor Andrew Geddies claimed my description of government authority “Due Authority”, mentioned in relation to the Key government attempt to use the Flag refence to undermine constitutional reforms, “was probably a made up word.” The Story one of about a dozen hit pieces (with only one journalist bothering to interview me for my side of the story), in which they grossly misreported my work, was later pulled the TV stations archives. This is after my lawyer sent them nice letter including a citation of the term “due authority” according to Black Law Dictionary – so much for the fact checking powers of MSM.

Nevertheless the damage was done and it cost me a radio show*1 unless I wanted to fight an expensive legal battle. *1.

  • 1*Actually, two shows as by this time I quit my high rating show on Radio One, where at the time Hawkin was a co DJ, after a series of events including sabotage of the DJ desk and changes to my schedule despite my shows popularity and ratings.

In Hawkin’s case the original hit was an attack made in Critic by several friends of Hawkins (who went on to be his biggest cheer leaders in the ODT during his run for mayor), relating to my pre 2022 reporting of event in Russia.

This was part of my forecasting the return to Cold War politics which the same University crowd rejected. Like they also denounced my claims that Jacinda Arden would cross the voters and sign the TPPA, which Labour had promised voters it would not do, as a conspiracy theory. Never mind that exactly what happened.

My now vindicated conspiracy theory, in relations to Hawkins initial jab had focused on the role of the West in laundering money stolen from the Russian people. Which in a spectacular piece of propaganda, pushed by US investor Bill Browder, led to the first sanctions on Russia which ultimately triggered Russia response in 2022. The West and its press simply took the Magnitsky claims of Browder at face value. The exception being German Magazine Das Spigel who investigated and found Browder to be a fantasist.

Again regardless of hindsight, which demonstrated my claims on money laundering to be accurate, the damage had been done. It would be post 2019 the attack in private and public would escalate with in total around five public pieces all trying to assert I or my family had Neo Nazi sympathy. Claim which ignores, as is with the case of Waters, my own families history of combatting Nazi on the battlefield of WW2 and my own work hunting down Neo Nazi in the 1990’s where I warned of their risk they posed today.

The irony being while party loyal would snipe “oh Vidgen he does like to use the word nazi a-lot”, a perverted inference that some-how me writing on the topic was the same as me championing it, the far right sought to paint me a undercover Labour agent. Eventually when the attack on my politics failed both sides began making their attacks personal in nature.

I would be accused by both being a homosexual and homo-phobe. I am neither I am radical centrist who believe things are rarely black or white.

The idea folk no longer have to engage with those whose opinion differed from their own, whose rights and values do not have to be respected, would rise up at the Parliament 2022 protest. A repugnant idea pushed with extreme corporate patronage by both the othodox left and the orthodox right. It came as the blue and yellow flag of the Ukraine flew above the protest as the government took upon itself to engage in a the rapidly brewing cold war without consultation of the people themselves.

New Talk Barry Soper was an exception. He refused to be silenced reporting how Trev Mallard the Speaker of the House had warned journalist not to talk to the protesters or “face the consequences” This then escalated with Soper calling the PM out for not answering question in the parliamentary press gallery briefings.

But over at RNZ a purge had begun,the most well known case being Karyn Hay. Hay resigned from the broadcaster following an employment issue which RNZ itself would sly infer was related to bullying – without revealing the actual reasons. Never mind the mass of other resignations at RNZ, by former long term employees, which showed not all was well. This was followed by an internal investigation as RNZ audit hundreds of stories following revelations a digital journalist for the outlet had been subtly inserting pro-Russian content into international wire copy.

Craig Thomas a supporter of the Ukraine community in Sydney stated The altered Reuters report was made to include blatant Russian propaganda. Yanukovych initiated much of the violence that afflicted Ukraine’s Maidan, and this is the main reason that led to his being sacked in a parliamentary vote by the parliament of Ukraine. His successors in the Ukrainian presidency have all been democratically elected, unlike his current host and mentor, Vladimir Putin, who is a dictator. The re-written article was completely misleading. The response is typical in that is fails to high light what the (if any) of the inaccuracy of the reports where. Instead, the reader is simply asked to take the author words that there was propaganda without any actual empirical evidence offered up. The crime is simply daring to publish the Russian perspective as RNZ effectively admits it now a propagandist for NATO.

See Also Covert Magazine The Tipping Point of Terror Part I of a CAM investigation into the origins of the Ukraine War: U.S. and NATO involvement in the February 2014 Coup and Maidan Massacre, and their historical antecedents.

This in contrast to the reporting of Pulitzer winning Peter Arnett, a follow Bluffy, writing on what made the reporting he and others did in Vietnam so important. His book Live From The Battle Field stresses the importance of fair and balanced coverage and making sure the readers have both sides of the story.

  • In 1962, Arnett was sent to Vietnam along with David Halberstam, Neil Sheehan, Mai Browne, Stanley Karnow and the rest of a new young group of foreign correspondents that would later include Dan Rather, Ted Koppel and Peter Jennings. When American ground forces were committed, Arnett went right in with them. His controversial coverage for the Associated Press incurred the wrath of President Johnson but won him a Pulitzer Prize.
  • The AP was not the only news organization to critically scrutinize the developing war.

    “During a six-month tour of duty, Pulitzer Prize winner Homer Bigart had been roiling the waters of doubt over the American effort with penetrating, bitter reports and analyses for the New York Times. Thirty years of foreign reporting made him the foremost war correspondent of his generation. Soon after I arrived in Saigon, Bigart ended his tour. At his farewell party I first met Francois Sully, a debonair, amiable Frenchman who had been in Vietnam for the past seventeen years and was far more knowledgeable about what was going on than most other correspondents. Sully was the Newsweek correspondent, and in his frank accounts he made it clear that he thought the increasing American commitment was beginning to mirror the failed effort of the French forces a decade earlier. Both our stories were distributed by the AP that same day. Editors might have been excused in thinking that we were covering different battles. The AP foreign desk did not query the Saigon bureau over the differences in the stories, leaving it to the judgment of individual editors to chose the account they preferred. Mulligan’s if they felt that Vietnam was a war the troops believed was worth fighting, mine if they doubted the undertaking”.

    RNZ reporting of both the Christchurch shooting, the Wellington protest and the war in the Ukraine are all dangerously one sided in favour of the states narrative only. The danger is four-fold;

    One: a quiet embedding of the forth estate as cheer leaders and apologist for the state, security forces and military industrial complex, during the Mosque shootings, saw an inquiry into their abusive conduct in Afghanistan (which Nicky Hager exposed in his book Hit & Run) effectively swept under the rugs.

    Two: A quiet embedded of the forth estate as Cheer leaders and apologist for Corporate image laundering such as those exposed by Hager in his book Seeds of Distrust.

    The book warned of the dangers of releasing untested technology on the public. An issue no longer defended by the Neoliberal infiltrated Greens and Labour and seemingly Hager O.B.E. himself. Hager has admitted that the media coverage of the protest was an error but to date has refused to be drawn on what’s changed since he wrote Seeds of Distrust. Or how the warning he gave in Seed of Distrust differed from chief concerns of many of the protester (of which nearly 50% previously voted Labour or Green). In Nicky defense Nicky has to pick his battles and does extraordinarily will in getting important stories out in an environment where the axe on press jobs is in full swing, and mavericks are not tolerated normally… And yet that fact is itself an inditement about the current health and well-being of the press core in this country.

    Three: Cancel culture (as played by both sides) does not remove hate. It simply accelerates polarization of the society and ultimately hand the far right more convert as the middle class move to the right in response to perceived attacks upon their own values and beliefs. A ‘liberal’ press ultimately risk scoring an own goal when they champion censorship as censorship served under the veneer of protecting diversity and hate crime or disinformation ultimately serves corporate and pro war agendas.

    Four: It peddles the lie of fake news and disinformation.

    There is no fake news. Just news with good sources and professional methodology and news with poor source quality and zero evidence.

    Media sources like RNZ would be far better off broad casting material which showed readers how to discern the difference between quality source material and low-grade hearsay – the base fodder of populist politics and propaganda. As opposed to publishing stories where they basically admit they only publish one side of the story. Which is a complete rejection of the core values upon what the fourth estate should be built. That is to say fair and balanced coverage.

    Sadly most of know why that won’t be happening any time soon. Not with this current polarizing culture of “Left-wing” (Neo Liberal) and right-wing McCarthyism. A land of and smear politics and echo chambers which ultimately serves the goal of global corporatism and draconian tech based Klepocracy. A term known as the ‘strategy of tensions’.

A complete rainbow, photo taken at 30,000 feet altitude by pilot Lloyd J Ferraro. A full rainbow is actually a complete circle, but from the ground we see only part of it. From an airplane, and in the right conditions we can see this incredible display.

A child waiting for his father. A father who denounced war: his father’s name is Julien Assange and so far neither Trump nor Biden have lifted a finger to protect Assange whose crime is simply exposing the murdering lies of deep state which holds most of the main parties in it pocket. Regardless of the identity politics we get hit with every night on the evening spews.

Stop The War Coalition:
On the eve of the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, the world is no closer to peace. The war has had devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine but it has also had a major impact in Europe and beyond. PRESS RELEASE.

The mainstream political consensus in the UK, US and other NATO countries may be in favor of military escalation and war, but there is growing anti-war tendencies in the current debates over Ukraine and public opinion is slowly but steadfastly changing.

While support for lending military support to Ukraine prevails in most NATO countries, the worldwide support seems to be declining over the past year. A recent Ipsos survey found that majorities in every country surveyed continue to agree that their country should avoid getting involved militarily (71% on average). Furthermore, there is no country where a majority support sending troops to Ukraine.[1] As the anniversary of the war approaches, there is an increasing momentum in anti-war activities across the world. With Zelensky urging the west to ramp up the war effort, anti-war protesting could hardly be more urgent. Hundreds of events are being organised to mark the anniversary of the Russian invasion, drive awareness about the consequences of war and calling for peace talks.

Titanic Tour Submarine Missing — A tale of Bottomless Greed.

“What do these trillions of dollars matter if we’re all going to die with the impact of this comet?” Dont Look Up (2021).

DECEASED SUBMARINERS (LWFT TO RIGHT) Suleman and Shahzada Dawood, Hamish Harding, Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Stockton Rush Ocean gate CEO

The missing tourist submersible last pinged when it was directly above its destination. The submarine, owned and operated by OceanGate Expeditions, started around 4 am on Sunday. It was taking a crew of five people 12,500 ft underwater. However, the team lost communication with the mothership MV Polar Prince an hour and 45 minutes into the two-hour descent.  105 years later on April 10, 1912 “Titanic” set off Southampton to New York with 1317 passengers and 908 crew on board. They were carrying collectively jewelry with them to the general amount from half a million to a billion dollars in terms of modern money key treasures are rumored to include;

  • A collection of diamonds worth over $ 300 million.
  • The manuscript of the XNUMXth century Persian scientist and Islamic philosopher Omar Khayyam. The enamel-bound manuscript was adorned with a thousand precious stones and deemed a holy relics. It worth assuming it survived would be uncalculatable.
  • French artist Merry-Joseph Blondel “Circassian woman in the bath”(La Circassienne au bain). Its owner estimated the canvas at 3 million.
  • Under the captain’s bridge in a wooden box was kept for safe keeping the mummy of an Egyptian soothsayer during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. With her was also an jewel encrusted amulet depicting the king of the underworld Osiris. The inscription on it read “Rise from oblivion and with one glance defeat all who stand in your way.”

This ancient mummy led to the (more myth than truth) legend of the ‘curse of the titanic’. Plus the cargo contained furs, wine, champagne, food, books, valuable and rare medical and technological instruments including a ,Marconi wireless transmitter the ultimate goal of the RMS Titanic Incthe American company that owns the rights to salvage the Titanic (linked to sub-marine casualty Paul-Henry Nargeolet) sunk by an iceberg from a glacier in Greenland.

Today Greenland and the neighboring area of New Foundland is where some of the world’s richest men are funding a massive treasure hunt of a different kind, complete with helicopters, transmitter and next generation technology, to find rare metals on the deepest parts of the Oceans floors. Greenland’s ice is melting at an unprecedented rate and the billionaires see an opportunity for investors and mining companies who are searching for a trove of critical minerals capable of powering the green energy transition. An industry whose effect on the ocean seems not to be covered in their version of green or sustainable.

Billionaires, including Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates, among those funding expeditions to test emerging deep sea diving technology to be used in deep sea mining and to take soil samples in the hunt for rare mineral. Such as those used in cell phones, Elon Musk’s Tesla, flying drones, helicopters and submarines, geospatial mapping and transmitters. Technology all deployed in mass to measure the electromagnetic field of the subsurface and map every last detail of the layers of rock below. “They’re using artificial intelligence to analyze the data to pinpoint exactly where to drill”.

If that sounds vaguely familiar maybe it because I reported Dancing Hair in Auckland via duct, alongside other mining tech billionaire survey ships, in 2020. With that in mind lets look at the background of those on the sunken Titanic sub.

The crew and passengers included.

The OceanGate CEO, Stockton Rush, is one of the people on board the missing submersible, according to Reuters and CNN. According to OceanGate’s website, Rush became the youngest pilot rated for jet transport in 1981, at age 19. He went on to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University and an MBA from the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business,. In 2022 OceanGate Expeditions announces in Inmarsat as the 2022 Titanic Survey Expedition satellite service provider. Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress high speed satellite service would enable OceanGate Expeditions’ at-sea crew to instantly connect with scientific and operational resources anywhere in the world and to share important findings immediately while enhancing safety for the entire operation.

Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 77, has already visited the Titanic wreckage at least 35 times, Insider previously reported.  He was formerly a commander in the French navy, and was part of the first human expedition to visit the wreck site of the Titanic in 1987.Mr. Nargeolet is director of underwater research for RMS Titanic Incthe American company that owns the rights to the titanic salvage and had its eye on the ships valuable cargo.

Hamish Harding, chairman of Action Aviation, a Dubai-based aircraft sales firm.Action Aviation chairman, in 2022 Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket for a 10-minute flight to the edge of space aboard the New Shepard rocket from Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ (one of the Tech Lords in New Zealand to discuss business with the New Zealand government during Covid) company  He has also completed two record-breaking missions to the South Pole, the first one featuring astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Harding holds at least four Guinness World Records, including the longest time spent navigating the Mariana Trench — the deepest part of the ocean — and a record for the fastest planet-circling flight crossing both poles,

In New Zealand Action Aviation started fly’s Forest Health surveys around most of the North Island. Its involved in annual Bird surveys for Fish and Game, Animal tracking for “various organizations’ throughout the North Island, Kauri Die Back survey, Bi annual deforestation survey, Search and Rescue and “when required” is used by the Police and military for their needs as will.

Action Aviaton partner Wellington technology company Lynker Analytics has been selected by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand to capture building outlines from publicly owned aerial imagery over the next three years.  Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand maintain a national open dataset of building outlines extracted from multiple years of imagery captured from airborne sensors.  “This dataset of national importance influences a range of decisions made at national and regional levels.  Dynamic and constantly changing, it forms part of a catalogue of nationally important data that helps people and organisations in multiple ways including in the building consenting process, monitoring building and land use changes, risk modelling and locating buildings in an emergency”. This kind of mapping is known as Location intelligence and gives sophisticated insight from visualizing and analyzing geospatial data. Layering location-specific data—such as demographics, traffic, environment, economics, and weather.

Lynker Analytics with partners Action Aviation and UAV Mapping NZ have flown the entire length of Aotearoa New Zealand capturing aerial photography for the Ministry for the Environment. The goal of this project is to survey and classify around 7,000 distinct areas of possible deforestation for climate change reporting. “This project is similar to a survey we completed in 2020 for that reporting cycle”. The imagery collected from a Cessna 172 aircraft is destined for our machine learning model that has been pre-trained to classify land cover and vegetation types common in these areas including plantation seedlings, native forest and regenerating exotic forest. The images of a recently harvested forest block, will then be input into a machine learning algorithm for land cover analysis.

Forestry expert on the team, Ollie Belton from Carbon Forest Services adds “this approach will allow a more refined set of land-use classifications that aligns with both domestic and international rules on land-use, land-use change, and forestry. 
We will be able to accurately assess whether or not each block has been re-planted, is naturally re-generating, has suffered natural damage.

In March 2017, UAV Mapping NZ, Prepared a high definition ground model for Whakapapa and Turoa Ski Field. In 2017 UAV Mapping NZ, Prepared a high definition ground model for Ruhapehu Ski Field, the same year UAV Mapping NZ, conducted an aerial capture in order to provide, High resolution georeferenced, digital imagery and topographic data for an inventory of erosion sites from the Taupo Gates to Ngaruawahia on the Waikato River. In February 2019, UAV Mapping NZ were engaged by Beca to conduct an Aerial survey and supply of digital imagery for a 30km stretch of SH25 and the foreshore, north of Thames, Coromandel. The Raw data was used for several outputs for the storm recovery works. NZTA being the end user.

Not listed on Lynker website but stated on UAV Maps website the project also includes Carbon Forest Services to inventory the extent of forest loss in New Zealand during 2017 and 2018Our Wellington team support the air team and manage the data logistics using several management tools that provide stakeholders with confidence. This work is scheduled to complete by the end of June. UAV Maps states The Ministry also provides deforestation mapping to the Ministry for Primary Industries for use by their compliance teams monitoring deforestation under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. Under this contract the consortium will field check over 7,000 forested areas, covering approximately 84,000 hectares. These areas have already been identified in satellite imagery as having experienced forest disturbance during 2017 and 2018.  The primary objective is to determine what the current land use of each area is and therefore identify the areas of deforestation. The team will operate out of bases in Rotorua and Fielding and be in the air for over 50 days capturing high resolution nadir aerial photography“. UAV Mapping NZ Ltd boast their staff “possess a wide range of experience and skillsets. From UAV operators, commercial pilots, technical trades and former Armed Forces personnel.”

I noted back in January 6th 2020, as Rocket Lab launched ‘Make It Rain’, the geoengineering focus of such technology was cited in an article ‘Orissa Cyclone — Role of Space Systems in Disaster Warnings and Mitigation Use of INSAT’. Where it was reported that the “Super-cyclone” that hit the Orissa coast on Saturday, October 29, 1999 was tracked by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) through INSAT-1D Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) imagery and INSAT-2E CHARGED COUPLE DEVICE (CCD), which like Auckland University of Technology’s Quake Tek (just one of Rocket Lab’s geo-engineering affiliated clients) was launched by Rocket Lab in 2019 to help “societal needs” . However the data preventing development in flood and forest slashing fails to have reached the ears of New Zealand developers who were permitted to build in areas prone to such extreme weather events. It now looks likely that homeowners will receive only a proportion of the compensation they are due and the land will be resold and rezoned.

The Geospatial mapping was marketed in India as being for planning “post disaster agriculture and food production”. For example, this included the distribution of GM modified salt tolerant seed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals by UN approved agencies CARE India and Oxfam. Similar disasters caused food shortages (and famine related disease) in Africa and the Philippines after extreme weather events were also exploited and used to dump genetically modified seeds owned and patented by UN corporate strategic partners Monsanto (now owned by Bayer). Back in 2020 when the first of three US Recon Owl satellites where launched I noted “Like Five Eyes members NZ USA, UK, Australia, Canada, India underwent extensive geospatial mapping during lock down which in India case was carried out by a firm named Kiwi Air. Thus The Owl is not just a surveillance tool as its corporate press release state but its also a component useful for those with a focus on economic warfare and food monopolization.” I need to add land to that list as publicly funded geospatial data is increasingly recognized as being misused to advance the land grab of large corporations.

Follow passenger included Pakistan wealthest tech and geospatial investor Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son, Suleman. Dawood Holdings Corp. directly governs financially and operationally over its two subsidiaries, Engro Corporation and EmpiricAI. Ith olds, through the majority of voting rights, the decision-making power at the companies’ boards of directors. Engro Corporation is a conglomerate with subsidiaries itself. In 2011 The Dawood Group of companies wound down its insurance company – Central Insurance – and restructured it to become Cyan Ltd, a company that invest in high growth sectors in Pakistan and has agriculture as one of its priority sectors as investment companies gear towards extracting high yields from the agriculture sector in one of the largest land grabs in modern history.

Hussain Dawood, the patriarch of the Dawood family, also owns 38% of the Engro Corporation, one of the largest conglomerates in Pakistan. Engro’s subsidiary operates the world’s largest single-train urea manufacturing plant, in what is likely the single largest investment in the Pakistani agriculture sector: $1.1 billion. Engro also owns Engro Foods, one of the largest food companies in the country. Its activities span from production of fertilizers, foods, chemicals to energy, petrochemicals and telecommunication infrastructure. Major shareholder in the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines one of the largest oil lines in Asia. Engro Foods who sides for being investigated for deceptive marketing according the WEF website is a firm which focuses on green solutions “to pressing challenges through joint venture partnerships and capabilities to handle complex greenfield projects. The group’s human development efforts at the Dawood Foundation empower individuals through inclusive learning spaces to create collective change in society”.

Shahzada’s Dawood according to the same WEF bio page joined the Board of Engro Corporation in 2003 and currently serves as the Vice-Chairman. “Shahzada is a leading voice in the institutionalization of key international networks and contacts. He aspires to a sustainable future and believes in inclusive business models involving low-income communities building value chains along business interests. In line with this, Shahzada serves as Trustee on the Boards of both Engro Foundation and The Dawood Foundation“.

In addition, he is a member of the Global Advisory Board for Prince Charles’ Charity, Prince’s Trust International a WEF partner. “His Majesty The King attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland where he delivered a keynote address on the topic of the Sustainable Markets Council. The Council was launched in June 2019 with the support of the World Economic Forum and aims to accelerate a transition to sustainable markets while helping the global economy become more environmentally friendly”.


EmpiricAI, founded in June 2020, develops Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Artificial intelligence for the industrial sector. On October 6 2022, the Board of Directors of Avanceon Limited approved the acquisition of EmpiricAI (Pvt) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dawood Hercules Corporation Limited (DHCL), under a share swap agreement. Under the arrangement, the publicly-listed Dawood Hercules Corporation will get a certain percentage of shares in Octopus Digital Limited, a Microsoft partner, who currently owned 80% by Avanceon which is also listed on the PSX, and 20% by public shareholders.   

In December 2020, he also joined the Board of Trustees of the SETI Institute. Shorty afterwards the international team of researchers began looking for signs of intelligent life in space using newly developed artificial intelligence (AI) to reveal eight promising radio signals in data collected at a US observatory. The results of their research, published in Nature Astronomy show the team hasn’t yet carried out an exhaustive analysis, but the paper hints that the signals have many of the characteristics we would expect if they were artificially generated. “In other words, they are the kinds of signals we might pick up from an extraterrestrial civilisation broadcasting into space”. Realistically the eight new signals, beneath the hype, were generated by human technology. But thats not the point.

The effectiveness of AI and the techniques used by the team to dig out rare and interesting signals previously buried in the noise of human-generated radio frequency interference, such as mobile phones and GPS means the tech not just useful for finding ET. It also perfect for finding mineral, deep in space or deep in the oceran, who contain their own unique EMF signal which is what the SETI team wealthy patrons and state backers are really on the look out for.

Shahzada serves as Director across Boards of various industries, including investment holdings like Dawood Corporation (Pvt) Ltd, Dawood Hercules Corporation Ltd, and Patek (Pvt) Ltd. Shahzada holds an M.Sc. in Global Textile Marketing from Philadelphia University, USA, and a LLB from Buckingham University, UK. He also a World Economic Forum member: engro Engro Corporation | World Economic Forum 2022 – Annual Meeting which focused this year on emerging technology relating to “finance and societal and environmental management”.

Also in attendance at the 2022 conference numerous banks and firms dominated by Saudi Arabia Astra Zenica, Bank of America, BAE Defence, Bezos Earth Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CBS News, Chevron, Credit Suisse, Deutsch Bank, Fortune Media, Forbes, Australian Financial Review, Foxs, Goldman Sach, Google, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Harvard University, Honey Well, HSBC, IBM, ING, Inmarsat Global Ltd whose technology in combination with Star Link was being tested on the sub journey to the Titanic, Johnson & Johnson AG, JP Morgan, Nova Tek, KMPG, Lippo Group whose CEO James Riady a share holder in the rogue bank BCCI which helped finance Pakistan nuclear weapons program, Lockheed Martin Saudi Arabia partner in Vision 2030 (see Jamal Khashoggi murder), London Metal Exchange, Master Card, Merck, Microsoft, NBC News, Nestles, Occidental Oil, Pay Pal, Pfeizer, Proctor & Gamble, Shell Oil, Siemens AG, Soros Fund, The Carlyle Group, The Daily Telegraph, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Leggo Foundation, The New York Times, The Rockerfellah Foundation, The Times, The wall Street Journal (Now owned by Rupert Murdoch), Time, UBS, The Russian Federation, Uber, VTB Bank Russia (see my story on Credit Suisse), WWF (See Club 1001 role in arming South Africa Israel and Pakistan with nuclear weapons), Wired Magazine, Zoom, Co Chair Bill Gates,

As example of FINTEC The World Economic Forum’s Global COVID-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study was a key feature of the Davos 2022. It gathered empirical data from 1,385 FinTech firms currently operating in 169 jurisdictions globally with the aim of helping to understand: the impact of the global pandemic on the FinTech markets, the response of the FinTech industry to the challenges of COVID-19, the most pressing FinTech regulatory and policy issues. It concluded “that since the onset of the pandemic, the fintech industry has seen increased growth. In 2020, firms saw an average rise of 13% compared to 11% growth in previous years. The expansion of transactions was noticeably higher in countries with strict COVID-19 lockdown measures, where growth was 50% higher compared to firms who were operating in countries with looser lockdown measures”. In other words where things where draconian the tech lords made a killing.

Then there the Dawood links to those tied to terrorism organised crime and nuclear weapons While Hussein Dawood Shahzada Dawood father sat on the WEF anti corruption panel he also listed in Panama Papers and is named by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published among the names of 259 of Pakistanis most wealthiest who own shares in offshore companies for tax evasion purposes. Other such as Credit Suisse clients Pakistan leader General Ziaul Haq’s closest aides General Akhtar Abdur Rahman Khan (the man largely credited with establishing the Mujaheddin network to counter Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan and shaping Pakistan nuclear weapons doctrine )“helped funnel billions of dollars in cash and other aid from the US and other countries to the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to support their fight against the Soviet Union,” according to the New York Times and a report by OCCRP (The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project), a network of investigative journalists on six continents’. The end recipient in the process was Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence group (ISI), [at the time] led by Akhtar” Their report states that “by the mid-1980s, Akhtar was adept at getting CIA cash into the hands of Afghan jihadists .

In 2009 the UN Chemical weapons agency OPWC the investigated interest held by the Dawood in relation to possible assistance to Al-Quaeda in securing chemical weapons. The findings to date have not being made public. Flash back to th3 Management Association of Pakistan’s 15th Convention was held in Karachi on 4th & 5th December 2013 “Creating Future-Focused Organizations” and “Human Enhancement for Future Organizations”. In attendance Mr. Hussain Dawood – Chairman Dawood Hercules Corporation, Boeing, Emirates Airlines, Pakistan State Oil Company Limited. CNN, CNBC, The Times. MAP fourth convention, designated as step up in the organizations clout and influence, was held in Lahore on March 17 and 18, 1984 inaugurated in 1984 by Mr. Agha Hasan Abedi, President, of the rogue Bank of Credit and Commerce International which helped finance Pakistan and South Africa nuclear weapons program,

Fast forward 2023 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia admits a 50 year badly kept secrets that it is looking to add nuclear to its energy mix and the IAEA is assisting its efforts in developing laws and legislative frameworks that would support the implementation of its nuclear energy programme. The move is supported by the WEF. Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told the World Economic Forum in 2022 that Saudi Arabia would use nuclear power to produce hydrogen gas, which burns cleanly.

Flash back again to 2016 “BCCI’s support of terrorism and arms trafficking developed out of several factors. First, as a principal financial institution for a number of Gulf sheikhdoms, with branches all over the world, it was a logical choice for terrorist organizations, who received payment at BCCI-London and other branches directly from Gulf-state patrons, and then transferred those funds wherever they wished without apparent scrutiny. Secondly, BCCI’s flexibility regarding the falsification of documentation was helpful for such activities. Finally, to the extent that pragmatic considerations were not sufficient of themselves to recommend BCCI, the bank’s pan-third world and pro-Islam ideology would have recommended it to Arab terrorist groups. Arms trafficking involving BCCI included the financing of Pakistan’s procurement of nuclear weapons through BCCI Canada, as documented in the Parvez case, involving a Pakistani who attempted to procure nuclear related materials financed by BCCI through the United States”.

The BCCI Affair A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations
United States Senate by Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown
December 1992 102d Congress 2d Session Senate Print 102-140

Perhaps it unfair to draw a link via the common bond BCCI top man shared with the Dawood via a lobby group the two men shared twenty years apart. But lets consider its illegal nuclear sales including to Saudi Arabia North Korea, Iran and South Africa involving firms linked directly to WEF President Klaus Schwab who helped form Sulzer AG by the merger of Sulzer and Escher Wyss where Schwab would serve as director and aided South Africa in its illegal thermonuclear bomb program. Father Eugen Schwab had himself worked for Escher Wyss in a senior capacity as Wyss worked on the Nazi atom bomb effort.  If nothing it underscores that the WEF not interested in ending “never ending wars” but its co-members have worked diligently to boost nuclear proliferation and to destabilise the global balance of power in the interest of its private shareholders. Those who seek to use their wealth and power not to develop technologies that will benefit all of mankind but rather only seek to invest in causes that advance their own bottomless greed.


So last week someone broke in stol my hard drive which had all my private files on it. Im more bemused than annoyed as every thing was backed up. I’m pretty sure i know who and what they were looking for. Unfortunately, aside discovering the single guy look at porn and my sex life not vanilla they did an awesome job of lighting up the bad guys and local thugs will done ya snapper heads.

So let recap in the past few years I have illustrated the “anti illuminati ” Kelvyn alps is a lodge member, has CIA link, is affiliated with organised crime and meth pusher gang Hells Angels, he is a discharged bankrupt whose creditors have zero endorsement of him or his character. He is in turn tied to the mining industry and by his own admission has taken cash to destabilise pacific nations using violence. Thats on top of being a general sleaze and thug.

I could do one of these for Vinny, Billy, Sue, (insert snake oil sales man of choice) Ect but let just sum up that all the above have done to their best to shut me down including threats of violence the best that any of them could muster was for someone to break in steal shit and thus they once more highlighted their thuggish true nature to reveal (drum roll) I am a randy bastard with a kinky side. Again something I have never kept a secret or thought a big deal as I don’t think my private life relevant to the work. Which is namely defending EVERYONE rights and not just the rights of my tribe alone.

A: It quite clear where the score sits. And regardless as im not pushing shitty bitcoin or hustling for votes there not a lot that ultimately affects me.

B: The burglary was an act of desperation that underscores how much I have being pissing these scums bags and con people off and having impact. So much for being “washed up” and no don’t expect me to back off any time soon. Besides I like pain (the whip thee whip)

Crack that whip. Give the past a slip. Step on a crack. Break your momma’s back. When a problem comes along.You must whip it. Before the cream sets out too long. You must whip it. When something’s going wrong You must whip it. Whip It Good – Devo.

One comment

  1. Thanks Ben, another great deep dive into a multitude of recent events “beneath the surface” both metaphorically and literally!
    Rare to find someone so well-centred in this world of widening Left/Right division.
    Lovely publicity shot of you at the protest too;)


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