RADIO SHOWS & Ben’s Vidgen’s Best of Youtube clips –

The DEADLINE REPORT Fresh FM- Ben Vidgen Investigates.

The Deadline Report - Ben Vidgen Investigates (podcast) - Fresh FM ...

Broadcaster, investigative journalist, author, snappy dresser, Ben Vidgen brings you a double shot of reality with our third season on Fresh FM (most followed podcast). Ben’s living proof that reality is never pretty.

Our Election special 3 videos 10 min approx each video.

Episode 1 Ben Vidgen’s DEADLINE REPORT ‘Covid 19’ – ‘Big Data Mining the Infrastructure Mining Privation Tsunami’; & related links can be found here. We look at what what went on as we were all in our bubbles.

Episode 2 Ben Vidgen’s DEADLINE REPORT 23/08/2020 & 36/08/2020 ‘Get Down with Sickness -Keep calm’. We look at how to keep an open mind during Covid 19 to keep calm and why does Douglas Adams think Bill gates suck (Good Science & Brought science). Its about keeping your sense of humour while also remembering we endurable level headed kiwis not hot cotton wrapped hysterical mall rats. Were joined by Oingo Boingo, Richard Cheese & Monty Python.

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Ben’s World – Sep 07 19
Introducing Ben Vidgen, host of Ben’s World

Ben’s World – Sep 14 09 19 Peter Scone Le Cafe Picton Open Ears Music Festival. Le Café Open “Born out of my deep enjoyment of pushing largely unacquainted musicians into unfamiliar territory, where talent, passion and open ears alone ensure cohesion…..or so the story started” says Peter .The concept of un-rehearsed, un-charted live-composition on the spot, open-the- larder-door- and-see- what-happens cookery of the musical kind.

DEADLINE TV BEN VIDGEN LEARN YOUR ABC’S How to Avoid Fake News Episode 1 Part 1 Episode Part 2 & Episode Part 3.

Liccar cartoon: Fake news | Mail Tribune

In an age of information over flow and access to instant data how do you work out what news can be trusted and what can’t. In a world of polarisation one man’s investigative reporting is another person ‘conspiracy theory’. Ben Vidgen attempts to give viewers some tool so they can become more discerning in their search for reliable information.

DEADLINE TV Armed Police. Sep 14 – 09 -19

Image result for armed police new zealand

Does an armed police force reduce crime make us safer. Make the police safer. Do guns ever stop terror or do they just import fear and enhance the polarisation of society. Ben Vidgen looks at at what the global models tell us as we look at whether armed cops save the days or just pour gasoline on the fire.




DEADLINE TV Examines how NZ First & Labour blatantly lied to over 130,000 of their supporters and helped create a constitutional crisis by supporting the TPPA trade deal (which has it own ‘court’) which was ratified on December 30th as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). A qualified political scientist and historian Vidgen explains how the TPPA fits in with orchestrated neo-liberal goals which seeks to dismantle NZ Westminster style democracy bit by bit and replaces it with a pro globalist form of corporate republicanism, more military junta than a champion against colonial exploitation. The Indigenous community of Canada last minute court action caused the controversial s ISSD clauses to be suspended because they were in breach of Canadian and Commonwealth law and today NZ’s top academics now conceded yes the TPPA is unconstitutional as Vidgen first maintained in 2015. The same ‘experts’ however still cant tell the public WHY exactly?

Vidgen believes if they knew the WHY then the TPPA can be still be halted or at the very least have the ISDS clauses not just suspended but remove completely regardless of ratification or not.


WHAT’s BEING OMITTED AS OLDBOYS TRY TO CONTROL THE NARRATIVE 1. Not just about ouvea dross contains many toxins. As Edendale testing showed. See also Winton AB Fetiliser, Edendale, Lumsden sites. 2. Not just happening in Mataura but through out south-land in flooded areas. 3. Why Ammonia in water levels is bad & encourages bowel cancer. Southland has top figures for the country already. 4. Only 22,000 tonnes bullshit. 5. District government Civil defence being contradicted by local witnesses and expert academics. 6. Why is Civil Defence speaking that agency no longer exist(Replaced by national Emergency Agency) . Sign of how the PM is avoiding government responsibility. 7. How this is serving those who want to privatise water and avoid responsibility for generation of poor environmental decisions which you children will have to now pay for: as for cast long ago. 8. A must view document 9. My report to date more to follow. 10. Slight tongue trip said no hazardous material given to volunteers and on trucks. Meant no hazardous protective clothing given to volunteers and no hazardous warning sings on trucks as material moved in wool sacks not sealed drums.




20 Minute Video By Ben Vidgen Supporting links and sources: Includes the great Australian water swindle & background research https://postmanproductions.wordpress…. WE LOOK AT WHY CLIMATE CHANGE ALONE IS NOT TO BLAME FOR AUSTRALIA FIRES. WE LOOK AT THE CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP BEHIND AGENDA 2030 WE LOOK AT WATER PRIVATISATION.
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