The Deadline Report – Ben Vidgen Investigates

Investigative journalist author Ben Vidgen presents a 30 minute show offering quality alternative media backed by quality documented information on the issues not hitting the headlines, but that should be. A double shot of reality, always educational if never pretty.

The Deadline Report airs on Sundays at 1:00pm and replays Friday nights at 7.00pm.

  • February March SHOWS INCLUDE
  • Michael Field Veteran Pacific correspondent and ward wining journalist.
  • Organic Farmer Richard tippet on how the Climate Change cause has being hijacked by image launders and climate vandals,
  • Morrie Tiwhite Love On Why Pakeha and Maori both need The Treaty of Waitangi.
  • Ninty Second To Midnight — The Rise of an AI powered Nuclear Armagedón.

Past World Economic Forum conference has unveiled ‘ESG Metrics’. It a manifesto that says the best way to promote sustainability is to pushes stakeholder capitalism.

During this discourse, on the beast way to stop a forest fire was by giving an arsonist a box of matches, Klaus Schwab trotted out Greta Thunberg as often as possible. Though Greta it became increasing clear was going off script as she took several shots at the status quo obsession with “capitalism.” Remarks which made the room full of venture capitalist increasingly squirm increasingly with displeasure.

Roll on WEF conference 2023 and Klaus has moved Greata out of the spot-light and found himself a new poster boy tech nerd Sam Altman. Sams message?? Technology and AI will save us baby and you can make money doing. The message received a standing ovation from the WEF participants. Those who fly in to Davos in carbon gobbling private jets and stay at 10,000 night hotel rooms saturated in luxury as they grapple with the mystery of how to prevent mankind excess use of resources from harming the planet.

Meanwhile ESG raw mineral fortune continue to go into free fall. There is now a huge ESG backlash at the WEF who have cooled on their interest in ESGs. As one longtime attendee told journalist “people want to make money, so they are focused on where the puck is going… and that is AI.”

So far no one in New Zealand press or parliament as post humanistly joined the dots on what this will mean for Kiwi Bank’s 2Billion dollar ESG fund. Or for that matter Kiwi Super whose exact investment in Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley link stocks remain a tightly kept secret.

Losses triggered after Credit Suisse and VTB Russia (who bank rolled Putin invasion of the Ukraine and had an entire floor devoted to war planning), were found to be deliberately bankrupting Mozambique and using that debt to create control of Mozambique critical infrastructures by probing politicians. Bribes that where then used to buy Israeli weapons. Something that pro Labour pro Free Palestine crowd remain muted on as the NZ money washed through New Zealand banks during Jacinda Ardern watch. The bribes laundered chiefly through New Zealand’s real estate market by Credit Suisse bankers such as New Zealand Andrew Pearce who was found buying up properties in Christchurch.

At the time Christchurch Mayor form Labour Minister Lianne Dalziel husband would be found taking payment from UN ESG partnered “Belt Road” Chinese Investors to buy up Christchurch water (the new gold of the coming century) rights. While controversy raged through out New Zealand over tender rights of firm brought into take over management of New Zealand Council infrastructure assets including it highly troubled water infrastructure, following Local Government Minister Rodney Hide of Act (Now a DJ on Reality Check Radio) Local Government Amendment Act in 2010. An Act which Hide insist was not the gate way drug to water privatization. A verdict many disputes. Dalziel as Mayor also signed Christchurch up to the UN Agenda 2030 and the UN Global Migration Pact (the brainchild of former Labour PM and WTO Chairman Michael Moore).

2030 affiliated World Bank ESG Water Resources Board “partners” include Standard Charter bank, Coca Cola (2000), Bill & Melinda Gates, The World Economic Forum, Nestle and New Holland Agriculture (a hangover of the Dutch East Indies Company) Van Guard and Black Rock. In each case Van Guard and Black Rock are the majority shareholder in each of the companies named above plus in the case of many of the other ESG on the UN ESG boards.

The 2019 outrage at Dalziel and her husband’s overt conflicts of interest was as short lived as the attention Christchurch real estate market (and the privatization of public park resources) was beginning to get, in the fall out of the Credit Suisse VTB Russian bribes. These events where quickly shadowed by the March 19th attack on the Alnoor Park in Hagley Park by Australian Brenton Tarrant. Tarrant was sold via corporate and state press as an extremist with a beef against Muslim and the UN Global Migration Pact. The Pact having in contrast been widely promoted by the UN and it strategic partners and cheer leader like Dalziel as promoting diversity. Though those more familiar with Michael Moore earlier version A World Without Walls (the inspiration for the anti-Free Market anti WTO movie Battle for Seattle) will claim rather than promoting diversity it just a blank check for unchecked capitalism that Greata is now perceiving as the true root cause for the world environmental woes.

A blank check which would allow corporations like Black Rock and subsidiaries, Coca Cola and Nestle to exploit indigenous ethnicities and the environment all the while using buzz words like diversity and sustainability to image launder capitalism on crack (just as the grown up Greta Thurberg maintained was occurring). Much in the same way that Ardern’s Christchurch Call was being used to image launder draconian censorship in the name of stopping hate crimes. That the call would ultimately would be used not to crack down on extremist but rather to crack down on dissenting voices, those who dear expose the fatc the Christchurch call is sponsored by some of the worse practitioners of human rights and largest sponsors of terrorism on the planet including Saudi Arabia Qatar and the UAE ( The chief sponsors of Team Emirates whose ambassador include Helen Clark the former NZ PM and UN secretary of the UNDP)

Post shooting wowed by Black Rock lobbyists and wooed by the UN ESG partner Ardern the 34-year-old communication specialist for Tony Blair’s Better Business Bureau (which promoted public private partnerships) made an “elevator pitch” to Black Rock at its New York office. She would tell them exactly what they wanted to hear – Black Rocks people, ensconced in organization like the New Zealand American Chambers of Commer (who also promoted the idea of the TPPA and NZ being luxury lodge haven for bolt hole billionaires) having basically written Ardern’s briefing notes on ESG to start with. It comprises of firms including IBM, Google, ANZ, Air NZ, Amazon, Microsoft,Pfeizer, Lockhed Martin, Fonterra, HSBC, Tai Nui and Ngai Tahu,

Never mind that the pitch briefs had several flaws in it. Glaringly obvious if you understand the basic concept of supply and demand. A fact that has now seen EGS investment spectacularly, yet not on unsurprisingly, get derailed as China Belt Road takes control of the raw materials which dictate the ESG market and its viability as an alternative to fossil fuels. Mind you the shallowness of the Ardern energy plan is no surprise when you consider her adviser includes Chris Hipkins (a former Shell Oil executive) and an Economic Minister with zero experience in finance Grant Robertson.

To be fair Jacinda not the only “dupe” to quote the legendary Comedian (and electrical engineer) Rowan Atkins in his explanation of why he has “fallen out of love with his Tesla”. Australia politicians are likewise guilty of drinking the ESG cool aid as sold to it by the likes of the American Australian Chamber of Commerce. The Australian body, just like the New Zealand American Chamber of Commerce, is made up of US corporate giants including Lockheed Martin (Chief investor in Rocket Lab) Chevron Coca Cola Google Honey Well HSBC Johnston & Johnston (who Luxton worked for) . Again Black Rock and Van Guard emerge as majority shareholder in the majority of the names listed as members.

Its founder Tony Podesta is a founder of the Podesta Group, the largest independent government relations and public relations firm in Washington, D.C.

Tony Podesta brother John is not only American president Joe Biden Climate Ambassador but was present in New Zealand shortly before the Chch shooting where he focused on the need for greater online censorship.

Moves which have all followed on following the end of Net Neutrality and the arrest of Julian Assange for leaking details on the level at which both Republican and Democrat parties are manipulated by Washingtons powerful lobbyist. As America’s new climate ambassador Biden job is to sell the US news climate policy which includes more than 2 billion invested into the nuclear industry – never mind most of that going towards the production of nuclear weapons and their byproducts uranium tipped shells.

In 2016 Wikileaks released a batch of emails from top Clinton campaign officials during which Assange described John Podesta as someone who “controls the Podesta Group” and that the emails from him relate “to nuclear energy, and media handling over donations to the Clinton Foundation from mining and nuclear interests; — 1,244 of the emails reference nuclear energy.”

Meanwhile back at the WEF ‘meats back on the menu boys’ or at least nuclear-powered AI is as its now being touted as the new ‘clean’ green energy source by the WEF and increasingly by the corporate captured UN 2030 bodies. Nuclear energy of course is what Klaus Schwab and his NAZI loving family built their wealth on. What can possibly go wrong.

We ask that question AFTER Jacinda Ardern signed Kiwi Bank’s super up to a 2Billion dollar ESG fund.

The context of these development occurring in the fall out of the 2022 invasion of the Ukraine. During which Schwab stated “High oil prices and the emergence of a number of new players on the world stage – not just China and India but also Russia and even Iran – have made it possible to play the major powers off against each other”. Whether this is true or not however does not change the role Davos has played in creating the current situation in the Ukraine whose biggest creditor is again no less than Black Rock. Meanwhile uranium mining prices continue to ramp up as Black Rock backs off from ESG (and started investing heavily in Uranium mining) and China has tightened it control over ESG raw materials.


Just a few of the folk and their pals who did nothing for Julian Assange


Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has met with former political rival Dame Jacinda Ardern to discuss her rare special envoy role with the Christchurch Call. Sources say the job comes with 750K salary. Luxon and Ardern negotiated her position as New Zealand’s senior representative to the global initiative tackling violent extremist content online.

Ardern launched the initiative with French President Emmanuel Macron to international acclaim in 2019, when she was still prime minister. The stated aim was to combat the spread of terrorist activity and propaganda online by seeking global cooperation from other nations, along with social media and tech giants.

It followed the March 15, 2019, mosque terror attacks in Christchurch, which claimed 51 lives and was live streamed on Facebook.

The Helen Clark Foundation were the original authors of the “Christchurch Principles” – a set of 10 broad recommendations for what Governments and social media companies should take into account when coming up with regulations and policies. The organisation ‘elevator pitched’ their idea at the second annual Paris Peace Forum which was funded by the UAE, Bill Gates, The Ford Foundation, Mohammed Bin Zayed (a donor to the Clinton Foundation), Quatar, Open Society (George Soros), plus variety other bodies with a fiscal political interest in promoting censorship that help them quell dissent as opposed to extremism.

Note: nowhere in these ‘principles’ is there a focus on opposing hate crime, stamping out fake news, is there a proposal to counter hate and disinformation with a campaign of educating people on how to discern and authenticate. Nor is their a focus on the reality that poverty not the internet create hates.

Likewise, these ‘principals’ shy away from discussing how that technology used to stop ‘extremist’ is also being used to kill democracy and those who stand up against tyranny. As the death of Khashoggi shows. It now recognised Khashoggi was tracked by Pegasus software the kind of technology the kingdom of Saudia Arabia wants to develop to assist it anti-democractic control over the people of Saudi Arabia.

The corporate media and national government have come to fear citizen journalism, empowered by online technology, so it must die a thousand deaths. And its first death will be assassination of character. As online sharing of information by common people is painted as the tool of the haters. A replication of the propaganda used to paint conscientious objectors and pacifist as traitors and cowards in the wars begun by industrialist. The theme may have changed but the message remains the same ‘if your not with us you must be against us’.

Since 2001, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates gave as much as $40 million to the Clinton Foundation whose model Helen Clark Foundation is based on.
Julian Assange WikiLeaks show that much of the money used by the Bush Clinton administration has been used to fuel the militant Clinton/ Bush Obama take on US Foreign policy (SEE — Project For A New American Century). In November 2016, Reuters reported that “The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. Secretary of State without informing tLhe State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.” 

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin opined that the Qatari gift “raised ethical questions” because of the nation’s support for Hamas. And ironically Hillary Clinton agreed stating in 2010 Saudi Arabia (one of the largest contributors to the Clinton Foundation according to Wiki Leaks), is the world’s largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The Saudi government is reluctant to stem the flow of money, according to Hillary Clinton. Yet the Clinton government ultimately did little to hold Saudi Arabia accountable as they like wise donated heavily to the UNDP coffers under Helen Clark. Three other Arab countries are listed as sources of militant money: Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE (the sponsor of TEAM Emirates whose global ambassador is none other than Helen Clark). Three countries who have all donated to the Christchurch Call.

Ardern Luxton 2024 Chch call collaboration is simply a repeat of Helen Clark John Key post politic mutual back slapping. One that in turn mimics the neoliberal red/blue George Bush and Bill Clinton bromance and Michelle Barack likewise overt affection for good old goofy Uncle George (never mind the genocide in Iraq). It makes you wonder will Donald post politics return to be a regular invite on the Clinton guest list as Donald old buddy Jeffrey Epstein Epstein no less than the architect of the Clinton Foundation complex laundering system in addition to being NY commander in pimp and digital tech black mailer for hire.

Ben Elton in  his book writes Blind Faith. “The internet was supposed to liberate knowledge, but in fact it buried it, first under a vast sewer of ignorance, laziness, bigotry, superstition and filth and then beneath the cloak of political surveillance. Now cyberspace exists exclusively to promote commerce, gossip and pornography. And of course, to hunt down sedition. Only paper is safe. Books are the key. A book cannot be accessed from afar, you have to hold it, you have to read it. ~Ben Elton. Ben is half right. In books we trust let the rest rust.

Except pre net neutrality online Citizen journalist was threatening the status quo whether it exposed the massacres in Bosnia or it was via Julian Assange Wiki Leaks. A massive dump which temporarily exposed the reality of a bi-partisan deep state, bribing both sides of the house, before Trump buffoonery would put the notion firmly back in the box. Meanwhile everyone ignores the rise of BlackRock control over western governments and the media as an in plain sight it has become the contemporary version of the Dutch English East Indies.  Then along came the end of net neutrality in 2018 under the Trump appointed body of non-elected officials the FCC

Without net neutrality, ISPs could prioritize certain types of traffic, meter others, or potentially block traffic from specific services. All the while charging consumers for various tiers of service. Cyber Utopia was being put back in its box as corporate globalism repeated the papal prosecution of the Franciscan monk in the 1300s.

The monks crime?

They dared to suggest that Jesus did not think poverty was a sin. A sin made worse that they dared share their heresy using the sourcery of the new fangled printing press. This issue is covered in Umberto Eco medieval mystery thriller Name of the Rose. The March 19th Christchurch shooting (which came almost a year to the day the FCC killed net neutrality) is simply an updated version of the Papacy labbelled Fransciscan heresy.

In the fall out of this crisis New Rome is sucessfully selling the lie that what we needed to stop “extremist” is even more censorship.

Just like Americas 911 Patriot Act more censorship,  more spies, more control hasnt made the world safer.

Five years on as New Zealand is a more polarized and angry nation
thanks to the control of algorithims and IPS and the financing of vested mining interest.

In New Zealand the petrol (major investor Black Rock) head waksters clash with the awoke loving electrical car (major investor Black Rock) wokesters.

Meanwhile no one has lifted a finger for Julian Assange not Ardern, Clark, Key, Luxton, Bush, Obama, Clinton or Trump.

And who are the supporters of Clark Christchurch call Qutar patron of Hamas, the UAE and Saudi arabia and the Tech Companies (who usal majority share holder is Blackrock) who unlike wikileaks are behind selective leaks that dam the WEF enemies while white washing their allies many of whom are deeply rooted in the arms industry and nuclear black mafia. Its all very reminescent of the scene in Deadwood where political opposistion is thwarted when the mining company, keen to establish a econimic political monopoly, smash up the incumbent printing press the editor AL (a man of words not action) replies “the physical damage is repairable but the psychic damage may be I fear permanent”.

Covid created the perfect storm to accentuate this. A poster on line writes of the amplification of the tribal bubble and echo changes post net neutrality has created.

“We waved at our friends while walking on the beach, while locked in our houses.
We chatted at a distance in the supermarket, while locked in our houses.
We saw through David Seymour ( leader of pro mining Act) when he offered solace to the scum on the parliament lawn, while locked in our houses.
Yeah, NZ was a hell-hole then. It must be true because there was even a hashtag”.

Que the hit There Is A Man With A Gun Over There ( Horay forvour side) by Buffolo

Holding The Line Boiling Point is carefully to capture me ‘charging’ the police lines. Not noted is how 30 seconds before hand I can be seen berating ‘protesters’ who having just joined up masked are throwing things at the police. The events shown on the 6’Oclcock news carefully edited news radically altered from what actually occurred as thousands of protesters never given a chance to tell their side of the story can testify — where they ever given that opportunity to start with. The Mallard imposed black out (Mallard threatening the careers of any journalist who dared bucked him) doing more to create extremism than had the politicians simply meet the crowd gathered on parliament in one of New Zealand largest protest to date a fact ignored by an MSM in the grips of corporate neoliberalism.

I reply I was one of those “scum”.

And I can swear the following

1. David Seymour is an opportunist.

2.  The end was predictable as so was the outcome.

I begged every journalist I knew to come and listen to the scum (50% being beforehand Green Red voters). I warned if they did not the result next election would mean the Trump like cast of Red Dwarf Mining ( Seymour as Rimmer, Luxton as Creyton, Peters as the cat) would be left in charge. The rise of the far right would become a self for filling prophecy,

The press decision to cower to Mallards threat that any journo seen talking to press would be blacklisted drove many into the arms of ‘camp cooker’ frustrated at not being listened to.

It was these very very well financed alt right platforms who turned it ugly. Oddly none of these pop up heroes had any trouble live streaming. As opposed to those who were genuinely nonaligned such as myself.

3. What you saw on TV and print of what went down was a massively contrived lie.

Each morning i could tell how much of a kicking we would get by counting the post 10am press briefing. At around 3pm someone would come and collect the stock footage and it would then be edited  according to the dictates of the 10am press brief.

Another person asks — Do you regard Winston Peters as an “opportunistic idiot” too for fishing in the same pool?

Hell yes.

Whats more i wrote on his use of Cambridge Analytic lobbyist in the 2020 election that the media read the results wrong.

2020 was not Winston failure they though it was. Rather it was the recon for 2023.

Winston having been recruiting Cookers will before parliment protest.

Pre Chch shooting I out lined how Counter Spin’s ( the winner of the media parliamentary black out) 2IC Brad Flutey had bragged that he gave briefing to Winston every week.

Winston simply used the same play book which got the pro TPPA Key elected for 3 terms with Croseby Textor help ( see Nicky Hagers Hallow Men) and the Atlas linked NZ Iniatative.

I am tempted to call this plan the 7 Elections blue print. Either way algorthim control allowed Red Dwarf to capture the Cooker vote.

They did this by creating what political scientist call a ‘cascade vote’. This permitted Red Dwarf to surf off the back of a the heat manufactured by grass roots rent-a-cookers to secure power. It is what I call Mocktivi$m.

A similar manipulation saw Labour surf the TPPA vote in 2017.

This was before being elected and signing the TPPA (tabled in 2008 by Clark) with follow anti TPPA saviour Winston Peters the darling of the pro TPPA tobbaco industry.

Peters having also pulled this stunt like wise with cookers placed in the 1080 camp e.g. Sue Grey and Brad Flutey.

You may also note mining dollars and Brexiters like Noel ‘Blobby’ Edmonds began filling Sue Grey Brian coffers via Outdoors Party flirtation with the International Tribunal of Natural Justice and it board of pseudo soverign grifters with fake degrees. Meanwhile I reckon i have turned down 150 K since 2019 as I am approached to create designer fire to burn the fires of sedition. (Que Clearwaters Run Through the Jungle).

I however am no one chef for hire and have declined their offers to help cook up a storm. And that not as easy as you think. I usally get approached by third parties so as to hide the pay master.

The first time was in 2008 and the target was Clark. The intermediate a Tory who previoysly got me an interview with Lord Jeffrey Archer ( a man I found as Spooky as Brian Tamaki).

I said no but it later came out that the Exclusive Breathern had hired an army of PI and hacks to find and write smack against Clark (who however had her own promotional deals going on visa her post Wellington parliamentary career which i called circa 2005).

Basically if you want to get how post net neutrality politics works in NZ go watch Peeky Blinders or read up on the use of renta Painter and Docker mobster politics during the Hawk Bjelkie peroid. The  algorithim of course make it easier and cheaper to heat up a mob ready to cook.

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