Military Experienced Journalist on Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Ben Vidgen, The Vinny Eastwood Show.

Military experience journalist; Gawd that sounds so impressive.
But to put in context I was a Gunner & then a Private in the territorial forces. I was SAS in the sense of I did Saturday And Sundays.

My jobs were Artillery Intelligence Operator which basically is glorified filing clerk. I was a really really crap signal operator (who thought putting a dyslexic in charge of pencil and handset a good idea) and I worked on attachment while in the Artillery on Field Intelligence and Counter Intelligence postings I thought I was pretty good they didn’t.

I trained in Infantry and was grenadier and dipped by toes in Reconnaissance.

I was not so much Agent 007 but more like Private Benjamin .0007.

But what it did allow me to do while conducting a degree in political science and history where i focused on political violence and terrorism to get access to area which few journalist get access to. To witness first hand the military and world of intelligence first hand and to get some practical skill set while focusing on this topic academically.

Since then my work on security issues and terrorism, including two book one a best seller, that dealt with NZ rising militancy and weapon availability, has being translated into over a dozen languages and I have appeared on radio shows here in the US and Europe in relation to these topics.

My original article State Secrets (which recently vanished from the net despite it having long term presence) dealt with the rise of right wing Christian fundamentalist terrorism its ties to militant forms of Fundamental Islamic (Saudi funded) terrorism and how this was exploited by security agency under the strategy of the ‘Politics of Tension’, as created by NATO dirty tricks unit Gladio. A strategy which sought to undermine social unity and people power by creating divides and polarization which could be exploited and used to advance the agenda of neo-liberal corporate sponsored governments.

One comment

  1. […] My original article State Secrets (which recently vanished from the net despite it having long term presence) dealt with the rise of right wing Christian fundamentalist terrorism its ties to militant forms of Fundamental Islamic (Saudi funded) terrorism and how this was exploited by security agency under the strategy of the ‘Politics of Tension’, as created by NATO dirty tricks unit Gladio. A strategy which sought to undermine social unity and people power by creating divides and polarization which could be exploited and used to advance the agenda of neo-liberal corporate sponsored governments.from:… […]


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